Friday, March 29, 2013

Do The Prince George Cougars Have All The Pieces?

Recently the Prince George Cougars and the rest of the WHL teams have started their season. The Cougars so far have been undefeated in regulation time with a 3-0-1 record so that brings up the question. Are the Prince George Cougars serious about winning this year? Already there has been great first impressions brought by a few key players. Goaltender Brett Zarowny recorded a shutout in his first WHL start against the Everett Silvertips. He did allow 6 goals on 39 shots on the second game of the double-header but goalies have the hardest job of all positions on the ice when it comes to finding consistency. (He still recorded a win that game because the Cougars scored 7 goals for a 7-6 victory.) He so far faced 64 shots with 6 goals allowed which means he has a.909% with 2.88 GAA including a shutout which means he is doing good so far.

There is a centerman who is on a hot scoring streak right now and that is Colin Jacobs. This is his last year eligible for playing in the CHL so he has to make a good impression if he wants to rank up to the pro leagues and so far he has been a mini scoring machine with 9 points in 4 games with the Cougars. I doubt he will keep that pace up at over 2 points per game but it shows that he has capability to score in bunches. The real key to success for him is that he will be consistent with his efforts.

The other centerman to watch for 17 year old Alex Forseberg. He has 5 points in his last 4 games this year and if last season was any indication, he could have a strong 70 point season if he is healthy. He recorded 40 points in 51 games in his rookie season and is showing promise heading into his draft class which is 2013. When you are 17 years old and you end up scoring at a point per game average plus you have proven to do a good job being defensive in your own zone in the WHL then you are a minimum top 60 in the NHL draft chart. He was -9 last season but he was on a mediocre squad that just barely squeezed into the playoffs. A good plus 15 to 20 for him will raise some eyebrows especially with a solid scoring effort so he must realize he has a chance of being a draft choice for the upcoming 2013 NHL draft.

If you put the team together as a whole so far based on stats then you will know so far that the Cougars have the least amount of Penalty Minutes in the entire league which means they have shown discipline, plus they have scored 18 goals which means they are 2nd in the league in that department only behind the Brandon Wheat Kings who have 25 goals in 5 games. They should try to keep their GA down because that would be their main reason to losing games. they already have 2.75 GAA which doesn't sound bad but if the cougars start to take bad penalties then they will lose their status as the least penalized team plus which means having to chase pucks in their own zone more often hence leading to more scoring chances for the other team. Time will tell how their season will shape up after about 25 to 30 games but so far it looks okay to me.

Overcome Fear and Overcome Your Fate

Is "Fate" your genetic blueprint? A "habit pattern" you attract into your life without realizing it?

Overcoming fear is a "one quick step" process: Stop it! Fear is an emotional rush, limbic brain response to perceived danger...real or not. It's of no benefit.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." Franklin D. Roosevelt

You cannot get rid of fear - but you can create a "NO" habit response that turns your attention to solutions and inspiration. Repeat that - and you open the door to your "destiny" and leave your old genetic "fate" behind.

Do you have to overcome fear?

Nope. Many motivate themselves with fear - especially recently. The past eight years were guided by a paranoid government. Fear motivates - has for centuries. Notice the mayhem? Death, wars, destruction? Pretty hard to miss isn't it? Now it's also in the economic arena - worldwide. Had enough? You can stop it.

Lives dominated by fear mirror that paranoid pattern. Constantly "putting out fires, fighting to survive." Attack and counter-attack. What fun in the sports arena. Not in life.

"Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained." Arthur Somers Roche

Leaders take Big Risks and the results are magnified in full public view. Many leaders - earning millions - are driven by fear. Here's an interesting comment from a businessman. "How do you explain the success of Grove, the Intel CEO, who wrote "Only the Paranoid Survive?" He apparently was scared all the time. I am not very different."

Many see life through the eyes of "fear." Leaders are out in life in a Big Way. Trial and error is the path to success. But errors are amplified and affect many lives. As a leader's anxiety increases so does fear. Fear clouds thinking and makes a bad situation worse. That's how fear "makes itself real" and paranoia is soon justified.

How "successful" is it to put out the fires you attract or ignite? Is this success? Yet the fear is not a conscious choice. It's there in most everyone. Fear keeps many from even attempting leadership - or seeking fame and fortune.

Fear is a poor guide to success.

How successful has fear guided our nation? Companies? Economy? You? Fear is limiting you in exactly the same ways.

Why not try something else? Pain, strife, stress, loss, war - aren't that much fun.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Fear attracts itself (fear loss - and you lose; fear attack -- you attract it.) You find what you look for - and your "experience" then validates the fear. Once caught up in that drama - it's difficult to see the alternative.

Know why? The alternative is overcoming fear: stopping it and refusing to get sucked into the limbic brain "fight or flight" response. It's a choice to stay mindful and find solutions instead. Next you need a plan or vision of where you want to be - and you can train yourself to Focus on that instead.

Inspiration leading to solutions is a choice.

Everything you sense is vibration - and vibration exerts a "pull" like a magnet. Like energy attracts. Inspiration...with your Focus on your Vision or goal -- leads to solutions. That vision feels good - and so does pursuing it. That's out of the range of the vibration of "fear." From the higher frequencies of "expecting" things to work out - they do. That's Law of Attraction in action.

The successful look for solutions and find them - sometimes with spectacular results. Yet fear is woven into the fabric of life. Many success stories reflect the constant struggle with fear...wins and losses...struggle and gain. That's the result of not overcoming fear, and instead dancing with it.

Overcoming Fear.

Fear surfaces for everyone - you cannot get rid of fear (it's only a concept - a collection of thoughts. Like the number 3, you can't get rid of "3.") You can opt out, see fear as "the problem" and solve it. You can transform it by adding more to the old idea, until it becomes a new idea - that's a habit too. Hard to believe? Only because you're in the "fear habit." Look beyond the familiar. You cannot solve your problems at the same level of fear that created them.

"I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened." Mark Twain

Where does all the fear come from?

Your ancestors. Fear of failure and "bondage" are huge genetic patterns that interfere with creativity and success. Everyone's ancestors spent some time under the rule of a petty tyrant - either as a wife (50% of all genetic codes) or slave or servant or military. All ancestors failed many times - often with much pain and suffering. That fear is a part of your genetic blueprint. You can change it.

Not getting the success you want?

The only thing between where you are now and what you want -- is FEAR. Your own genetic patterns limit you - nothing else - but an old habit. Some call that "fate." Now you know better.

What you have in your life is a reflection of your genetic blueprint - or your fate. That pattern in your subconscious built your experiences. Over many years you have modified and expanded it. You can change your fate. Is it time to change it again.

If you do not have the success you want - it is time for allowing more expansion - The fear of change and of loss - can change too.

"Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us."

Winston Churchill

Living with fear is living in chaos soup.

If you don't overcome fear - you continue to fight yourself, live in paranoia and stress - and eventually the fear wins out - and you get what you fear, along with whatever success you can hold onto. Ugh! Time to give that up. Life can be easy and fun - and successful. You need only choose it, act on the choice and live your Vision. If you're annoyed that it sounds too simple to be true - you're waking up.

Contraction and expansion is the natural creative process.

You have now outgrown your old habits of thought (and fears) and that is all that is limiting your expansion. How do you know? You want more. You feel limited, blocked and not much you try works well. Compared to where you want to be, you feel "contracted, boxed in and restricted."

When you feel you are not getting what you want and don't know how to get it: that feeling is what is keeping you stuck where you are. "Conflict" is the clash between vibrating or signaling what you want and your fear about it. Those double feelings are also called "stress."

Free yourself quickly. Simply see that you are only limiting yourself with unconscious fears. You are attracting the "fate" you fear when you allow fear to run rampant in your mind.

Get off of what is not working.

Give up hard work and action until you create a more expanded self-image - and feeling - you can't push through a genetic fear - and that's what is stopping your progress. You want what you want - and you fear (unconscious) what will happen to you if you get it. Overcome Fear Fast (at end) can break you free of the bad habit.

"Every individual acts and suffers in accordance with his peculiar teleology, which has all the inevitability of fate, so long as he does not understand it." Alfred Adler

How do you know if it is fear stopping you?

Is fear active in your life? Do you feel uneasy about being out in the world in a bigger way? Being more - expanding - new experiences - taking a chance -- new learning - giving up what you thought you wanted...looking for a new way to be and live?

Does changing your life routines, patterns, habits (friends, work, food, lifestyle) feel uneasy? It should - you have moved on and expanded - yet can't see how to get where you want to be.

Your fear is clouding your vision and inter-fear-ing with your Inspiration.

You overcome fear when you see fear as "the habit" that is attracting to you the very thing you fear. It might be the fear "I can't get what I really want or what I want is outside my 'safe zone.' That's a genetic fear - it's not about now, not true, and it's not for the reasons you think.

How do you know? Listen to your self-talk. Fear masks as "avoidance" too. Thoughts such as, "I don't care about money; If the Universe wants me to have....; I prefer "behind the scenes;" I'm not seeking fame, or anything...just a little more cash..."

"Public opinion is a weak tyrant, compared with our private opinion - what a man thinks of himself, that is which determines, or rather indicates his fate"

Henry David Thoreau

Changing a habit, changing your fate.

The fear of "breaking free" was formed over centuries of many deaths and much pain and suffering. Yet you can get over it by seeing it for what it is, and talking yourself into your "now" where you are safe, and those fears are no longer justified.

You can't get rid of anything - but you can transform it into something else. Bridge from the fear - to success "in a big way" - and it will be yours. When you stop the fear - you need a "bridge of thoughts" to walk yourself to your Vision (goal) of what you want. You must have a "destination" to shift the feelings and your point of attraction from fear to solutions.

How do you know its working? You feel hopeful and begin to expect the new success you want. Your feelings (and point of attraction) shifted from doubt to expectation.

You always get what you expect. No exceptions. Use that fact to accurately gage where you are - then you can get to feeling what you want.

Once you have removed or softened the barrier - your inspiration guides you to new opportunities. Test the new options compared to your Vision: If they match take action - if not, wait for the choices that feel good and match your Vision.

Make it easy and make it fun. Spend time in nature - clear your mind, open your heart, mind and body and ask questions. Seek solutions and follow your Inspiration. You can do this.

Your Good Fortune: "The very last thing you try is the one that will bring you success."

Debt Management

Attracted by the fashionable life led by the peers, many members of the young generation develop the habit of buying on credit. Not all of them are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and hence cannot afford to buy the things that they wish. Nor they can resist the urge of buying the things or availing the service. Ultimately they depend on borrowed money and face debt problem in course of time.

With no or poor knowledge on debt management, they try to sort out the problem with the means that comes easily and quickly. Some of them succeed in their effort while most others end up in worst debt crunch. To avoid being duped by fraud agencies, it is necessary to approach the genuine agencies that have realistic and effective financial solutions to offer. Every country has proper and reliable debt help agencies.

However, it may not easy to find out an agency that can offer feasible and realistic debt management programmes. A genuine debt help agency will try to offer some solution that makes it easy to deal with the debts. Such an agency may suggest debt consolidation loans. This type of loan is taken to consolidate multiple debts into one package so that debt management becomes easy and the concerned person makes his repayment easily.

Some other agencies offer debt help solutions in a different way. They work as a media between the lenders and the borrowers. After calculating the repayment ability of borrower, they negotiate with the lenders and try to set them ready for such terms and conditions that can be easily fulfilled by the borrower. Some agencies have altogether different types of debt management programmes. They may pay off the entire debts of the borrower from their own and then provide him with easy repayment terms.

How to Keep Your Identity Safe While Working Online

Several years ago it was very safe to surf over the internet. Today, there are more than ways in which a person can hack and get information out of your personal data through the internet. This can lead to different awkward situation. But, there are also ways in which you can prevent hackers from obtaining files from your system.

You can maintain your privacy by means of hiding your identity. Some people are able to track your internet habits by checking your cookies and other tracking devices. Some send you spam emails on your email address and once you click them, they will be able to reach you. Some information are even sold to others who may have plans for you.

By maintaining your cover while surfing inside the internet, you allow yourself to be free from these worries. You can do so by hiding your IP address and other forms of information. You can set up a remote server or a proxy server so that it will be very difficult for people to track you down.

People would offer you some random proxy servers and services that helps you surf over the internet freely. Try loading internet browsers that have high security capacities but sometimes, they work differently.

You can also hide your personal details by means of deleting your cookies and clearing your history. Check your internet browser every now and then and regularly delete your history as well. This type of habit will be beneficial to you.

Some hackers are able to track down your IP address and can able to pull out personal information from your system. This is why a lot of people are trying to find ways of covering up their addresses to protect themselves.

There are certain areas all around the world that have limitations to the access they have over the internet. This can be beneficial especially for those who are aware that hackers might be able to attack their system and have access to their profile.

You may have different reasons as to why you want to protect yourself or arm yourself with proxy settings. In any which way, always know how to defend yourself even from hackers.

Capturing Deep Sky Images Made Easier With Orion 10" Newtonian Telescope

Today, unlike back in the days, astronomy is taking root in our lives. People are getting involved in astronomers' activities either as hobbies or for personal knowledge and development. Early in the days, only scientists and students of astronomy got themselves involved in astronomy. They did this as a requirement in the career and courses. This had one effect; most did not enjoy what they were doing, they took it as a duty that needed to be fulfilled. They did not make efforts to shop for the best telescopes in the market, they settled for what they first lay their hands on no matter how ineffective were. Today, those involved in astronomers' activities as hobbies or for personal learning and development are actively hunting for telescopes that will effectively satisfy their desire for knowing what lies beyond what our eyes can see.

Companies that manufacture telescopes have realized that there is an increase in the number of people who need quality astronomers' tools and have started coming up with more improved telescopes that does what one could not have imagined. An example of these companies is Orion that has come with the Orion 10" Newtonian, a state of the art reflector telescope. With Orion 10" Newtonian, you are able you get to capture stunning astro-images in the deep sky.

Excellent Features of The Orion 10" Newtonian Telescope

Orion 10" Newtonian has a focal ratio of 3.9. This fast focal ratio provides a swift wide field performance. With a wide field performance, you are able to view a wide area of the sky without rotating the telescope.

The start of art telescope has extended tube with a length of 7.5 inches that blocks peripheral light. The tube that is before the focuser optimizes the image contrast by blocking any peripheral light. Light from the surround is likely to affect the quality of the images captured by the telescope. With this telescope, you are guaranteed to get quality images thanks to this feature.

Orion 10" Newtonian has a sturdy 2-inch dual speed and low profile focuser. The Crayford focuser permits fine focus with a ratio of 11:1. This ensures that you are able to see even the finest detail of the heavenly bodies. As a scientist, you are able to make conclusions that are more accurate on the properties of the heavenly bodies.

This telescope has enhanced reflectivity. Secondary and primary mirrors are aluminum coated to provide a reflectivity of about 94%. With this feature, you are guaranteed to get contrast-rich and bright images. This allows you to have a good study of the heavenly bodies.

Who should Use The Orion 10" Newtonian Telescope?

Although Orion 10" Newtonian is a tool for all, ranging from students and astronomers to adventures individuals, it is best appropriate for researchers and students of astronomy. This great telescope is able to provide even the finest details of the heavenly bodies that allows for easy study and accurate conclusions.

This, however, does not mean that adventurous individuals cannot use it. In fact, they will have a quality time and fun viewing the heavenly bodies.

Make Money Online By Blogging - Make Your Readers Come Back For More!

To make money online by blogging, you need to know how to attract visitors and make them wanted to come back for more again and again!

Here are some effective tips on how to make your readers come back for more!

First, create top ten lists

To make your blogs stand out from the rest of the blogs in your niche market, you can create top 10 lists on your blog. For example, if your blog is about dogs, you can list the top 10 ways to train your dogs, the top 10 most nutritious foods for your dog, the top 10 recipe for dogs food, etc.

By having such top 10 lists, your blog readers will be able to gather all useful information and important tips from your blog at one glance. This will make your blog more reader friendly and attract them to visit your blog again. If they like your blog posts, they may recommend your blog to their friends or family.

If you could get more visitors to visit your blog, the higher chance it is for you to make money online by blogging!

Second, post controversial or opinionated posts

Controversial or opinionated posts could attract the attention of your readers. It may upset certain people but it may also create some publicity for your blog. Best of all, such posts tend to go viral. This is because in a way, they encourage people to share their views.

When the blog post goes viral, your blog will become famous and more people will visit your blog. With that, your chances to make money online by blogging will be increased substantially!

Third, provide high quality content and answer frequently asked questions

People use internet to seek information and solutions to their problems.

More readers will visit your blog more often if your blog provides useful information.

You should also strive to answer the frequently asked questions posed by your visitors. That will draw your target market closer to you and shows your concern over your readers' interest.

To make money online by blogging, nothing is more important than having traffic to your blog. A "one-off" traffic is never sufficient. Normally, people will not buy from you the first time they visit your blog. Thus, it is extremely important for you to ensure that they will visit your blog again.

Maintain a good relationship with your readers, this way, the readers will visit your blog more often. This will certainly help you to make money online by blogging.

How to Frame an Antique Print or the Best Way to Frame Artwork on Paper

When you go to the frame shop there appears to be a hundred ways to frame artwork on paper or antique prints. We will teach you some basics and essential steps to follow when having your art framed.

Framers have many secrets to their trade and many will be glad to share these secrets with you. Framing shops contain specialty tools that are beyond the budget of many. This is not to say you cannot frame your art yourself, however framers offer the assurance of experience and the availability of materials which are often difficult to find.

Framers make most of their money with add-on features that look nice but are not always essential to the preservation of artwork or antiques. The most expensive item for sale is the molding. The molding is the "stick" from which the frame is made. They come in all shapes, colors and textures you can imagine, from metal to wood and increasingly from molded plastic.

Another expense is the matting and glass. In this case framers will suggest fancy double or triple layers of matting and finally specialty glass to protect your art.

You should frame within your budget. There are however a few features that are important in preserving your antique print or artwork on paper. These are the matting and the glass.

If your art is of some value, may it be sentimental or financial, it is important that you protect it from the elements. For this you should ask your framer to provide you with archival or conservation framing. Let them suggest the best approach.

Archival or conservation framing will use archival mat and back board to protect the front and back of your art from touching the glass or the wall behind it, as well as to avoid getting dust onto the art. They will hinge your art within the mat and back board with non-adhesive materials so that your art will not be damaged over time.

Finally they will offer you a special glass to protect your art from harmful UV light. The glass is essential for antique prints, old maps and art on paper which can scratch, get soiled and most importantly can fade from natural daylight and even from fluorescent lights.

The best is to tell your framer where you intend to hang your art and let them suggest the glass you will need. For those of you framing your art yourself, the best will be a 100% UV protection glass or plexiglass.

Quick 'n' Easy Self-Image Makeover

How would you like to spruce up your self-image? You know, give your self-esteem a real boost? You are equipped to do so, you know. Please, allow me to show you a neat little trick that will jumpstart your self-image makeover.

Okay, ready? I want you to think of a big, mean dog. He's baring his teeth and growling at you. He looks like he's about to pounce on you. There's nothing standing between you and him.

Take your time and make him look as ferocious and dangerous as possible. Okay, stop! Forget about that dog for a moment.

Instead, I want you to picture a cute little puppy. Picture him clearly now. This little guy is as friendly as they come. He is wagging his tail and wiggling toward you, anxious for you to rub his belly and scratch his ears. Aw, isn't that sweet?

Now, let's look at what happened here. First you saw in your mind's eye a vicious dog. I would bet that your mind furnished all sorts of details, such as color, size, type, etc. Your imagination didn't need to be given instructions. It went to work automatically.

Now, how did you feel with this picture in your mind? Tense? Did you clench your jaw? Or perhaps your breathing became very shallow or stopped altogether for a few moments.

Then, when I instructed you to envision a friendly puppy, again your mind concocted all the details. What was your reaction this time? Did you smile? Did you chuckle softly to yourself?

I'd like to point out two things. First, neither of those pictures existed anywhere in your immediate reality. They were both simply figments of your imagination. Nonetheless, the images you created were no doubt vivid. And more importantly, your reactions, physical, psychological and emotional, were all quite real.

Second, you were able to switch mental pictures completely and what's more, you did it in a flash. Exactly HOW did you accomplish this? Do you know?

Well, I don't know either, but that doesn't alter the fact that you are, indeed, capable of conjuring up whatever you want, whenever you want, complete with as many details as you want. This is truly an astonishing feat!

There's no trick to it really. It's just the natural capacity of mind that you were born with. Can you believe that your mind has such phenomenal power? And you, and only you, have the final say as to which pictures you allow to linger in your mind. You control the master switch!

Once we start to appreciate the tremendous power of our own minds, then it becomes much easier to put forth whatever effort is necessary to feed it the messages WE choose rather than society's insinuations of our inferiority. Can you see how powerful this mental imagery can be in boosting your self-esteem?

Let's try something else. I found this next exercise to be very helpful and hopefully you will, too. Just imagine yourself sitting like a kid in a big playroom surrounded by many building blocks. Each block represents a thought.

Now some of these blocks are more attractive than others. You can pick and choose any ones that you want. That's right. If you happen to latch onto a thought/block that you don't like, you can just throw it back. It's that simple. And that fast.

You are free to toss a block aside with absolutely no penalties. If you decide you want only the pretty blocks, no one else can keep you from taking them. Isn't this a delightful little game?

Your mental screen is a terrific playground! Have fun with it! Remember, you're the one in charge of the controls.

Now granted, since we humans are creatures of habit, we may have to throw back some undesirable blocks a number of times before we automatically go for the more attractive ones.

The really exciting point here, though, is that we are absolutely free to do so! No one, but no one can force us to "pick up a block" that we don't like or want.

No matter what we hope to accomplish in business or in life, harnessing our fantastic mental powers will greatly increase the quantity and the quality of our contributions.

Putting our imaginations to work for us instead of against us puts us on the fast track to success. It's like finally releasing the brakes on our engines.

I hope you'll put these concepts to work immediately to freshen up a battered self-image and to help yourself in many more ways.

Naturally, permanent change will not occur with the first few attempts. However, I believe that once you have begun to explore how much fun and how powerful your own imagination is, it will be a pleasure for you to make the repeated, consistent efforts necessary to produce the changes that you desire.

I trust that the ideas put forth here have helped you to realize and appreciate the truly extraordinary power you have at your disposal. Certainly such awesome powers deserve to be tended and cultivated. Don't you agree?

Bank Workout - Maximizing the Value of Residential Collateral

Mark Twain said "A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain." While the statement is humorous and may be close to what many home builders and developers think of their bankers the truth is that if the bank asks for their "umbrella" back today they are likely to get back a lot less than they hoped.

2007 will be remembered by all in the housing industry as the year of the correction. It is not the "Bubble" that the headlines want to proclaim. The Bubble did not burst and leave worthless residential real estate. The correction did reduce the value of what some would say was over valued land and houses.

Builders and developers just a few years ago were worried about finding enough land to meet the demands of the market. They struggled to keep a responsible eighteen months supply of lots out in front of them. The prices soared because no matter how high the price went the market absorbed it.

When the market slowed suddenly, the eighteen months supply became five years or even a decade of supply and the interest became an overwhelming burden. This oversupply of vacant lots and development land, even more than the completed but unsold housing stock, may continue to plague builders and developers for some time.

It is said that "time heals all wounds." Whoever said that was not paying interest. There is no magic solution to all the problems but there are ways to minimize the damage to individual projects.

So what can the lenders to the housing industry, who have become partners in the very real sense of the word, do to preserve their assets and help their customers of today and the future?

Banks must be willing to look at their residential portfolio and attempt to identify companies in trouble. Nearly every builder, particularly those with finished homes or lot inventories are experiencing some degree of stress. The bank must be able to offer management support to those customers whose business model and projects can be adjusted to the changed market. This may include an analysis of the builder's construction process and management controls. It might also include an analysis and revision of the business model either company wide or on a project basis. It is important that this work be done by seasoned construction management professional including accountants and not just accountants.

If the bank must take over a project either through bankruptcy procedures or by voluntary surrender of the assets the banks must be in a position to immediately physically preserve as much of the asset as possible. They must have resources in place to look at the project and identify emergency items that must be performed to keep the asset from be destroyed or devalued. For example they need to be able to look at the work-in- process, the physical work not the numbers in the balance sheet, and be able to identify things that need to be done to prevent deterioration: lock up, weatherize, maintenance, etc. If a house is thirty percent complete and the roof is not installed quickly the house may deteriorate where it is worth less than zero. Not only is the asset no longer usable but it needs to be torn down and removed.

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